Great mathematicians
With courtesy of http://www-history.mcs.st-and.ac.uk/index.html
the listing of great mathematicians and scientists from the Sumer times to our days. The highlighted names are mine, from my (limited) knoweldge of the history of mathematics.
A proper timeline from the same website is
(1700-1782) Bernoulli, Daniel
(1700-1764) Bliss, Nathaniel
(1700-1762) Braikenridge
(1700-1768) Stone, Edmund
(1701-1774) La Condamine
(1702-1761) Bayes
(1703-1768) Deparcieux
(1704-1791) Castillon
(1704-1752) Cramer
(1704-1771) Fontaine
(1704-1777) Segner
(1706-1790) Franklin, Benjamin
(1706-1749) Châtelet
(1707-1775) Riccati, V |
(1707-1783) Euler
(1707-1788) Buffon
(1707-1751) Robins
(1710-1790) Bernoulli, Johann(II)
(1710-1761) Simpson
(1710-1790) Fuller
(1710-1748) Paman
(1711-1787) Boscovich
(1711-1778) Bassi
(1712-1757) König, Samuel
(1713-1765) Clairaut
(1714-1784) Cassini de Thury
(1714-1786) Wilson, A
(1715-1797) Fagnano, Gio |
(1717-1785) Stewart
(1717-1783) d'Alembert
(1718-1799) Agnesi
(1718-1786) Hatvani
(1719-1790) Landen
(1719-1800) Kaestner
(1723-1788) Lepaute
(1723-1762) Mayer, Tobias
(1723-1791) Price
(1724-1802) Aepinus
(1725-1799) Montucla
(1726-1797) Hutton, James
(1728-1784) Frisi
(1728-1777) Lambert |
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